Source code for data_specification.enums.condition

from enum import Enum

[docs]class Condition(Enum): """ Comparison Operations """ EQUAL = ( 0, "==", "Compare the operands for equality") NOT_EQUAL = ( 1, "!=", "Compare the operands for inequality") LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL = ( 2, "<=", "True if the first operand is <= the second") LESS_THAN = ( 3, "<", "True if the first operand is < the second") GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL = ( 4, ">=", "True if the first operand is >= the second") GREATER_THAN = ( 5, ">", "True if the first operand is > the second") def __new__(cls, value, operator, doc=""): obj = object.__new__(cls) obj._value_ = value obj.operator = operator obj.__doc__ = doc return obj def __init__(self, value, operator, doc=""): self._value_ = value self.operator = operator self.__doc__ = doc