Source code for data_specification.enums.commands

from enum import Enum
from data_specification.data_specification_executor_functions \
    import DataSpecificationExecutorFunctions as dsef

[docs]class Commands(Enum): """ Set of opcodes for the spec executor""" BREAK = ( 0x00, dsef.execute_break, "Halts spec execution with an error") NOP = ( 0x01, dsef.execute_nop, "No operation. Can be used as a filler") RESERVE = ( 0x02, dsef.execute_reserve, "Reserves a block of memory ready for filling") FREE = ( 0x03, dsef.execute_free, "Releases previously reserved memory") DECLARE_RNG = ( 0x05, dsef.execute_declare_rng, "Declares a new random number generator") DECLARE_RANDOM_DIST = ( 0x06, dsef.execute_random_dist, "Declares a new random distribution") GET_RANDOM_NUMBER = ( 0x07, dsef.execute_get_random_rumber, "Returns a random number drawn from the given distribution") START_STRUCT = ( 0x10, dsef.execute_start_struct, "Begins declaration of new structure") STRUCT_ELEM = ( 0x11, dsef.execute_struct_elem, "Declare single element in a structure") END_STRUCT = ( 0x12, dsef.execute_end_struct, "Ends declaration of new structure") START_CONSTRUCTOR = ( 0x20, dsef.execute_start_constructor, "Begins definition of a function to write data structures to memory") END_CONSTRUCTOR = ( 0x25, dsef.execute_end_constructor, "Ends definition of the write function") CONSTRUCT = ( 0x40, dsef.execute_construct, "Invokes a constructor to build a data structure") READ = ( 0x41, dsef.execute_read, "Performs a simple read operation") WRITE = ( 0x42, dsef.execute_write, "Performs a simple write or block write operation") WRITE_ARRAY = ( 0x43, dsef.execute_write_array, "Performs a write from an array") WRITE_STRUCT = ( 0x44, dsef.execute_write_struct, "Performs a write from a predefined structure") BLOCK_COPY = ( 0x45, dsef.execute_block_copy, "Copies a block of data from one area to another") SWITCH_FOCUS = ( 0x50, dsef.execute_switch_focus, "Swap between different reserved memory regions to work on several at" " the same time") LOOP = ( 0x51, dsef.execute_loop, "Set-up a loop") BREAK_LOOP = ( 0x52, dsef.execute_break_loop, "Early exit from a loop") END_LOOP = ( 0x53, dsef.execute_end_loop, "End of a loop") IF = ( 0x55, dsef.execute_if, "Perform a condition and execute the following instructions only if" " the condition is true") ELSE = ( 0x56, dsef.execute_else, "Else clause for associated IF statement") END_IF = ( 0x57, dsef.execute_end_if, "Close block of instructions begun with the IF instruction") MV = ( 0x60, dsef.execute_mv, "Place a value in a register, from an immediate or another register") GET_WR_PTR = ( 0x63, dsef.execute_get_wr_ptr, "Copy current write address to a register") SET_WR_PTR = ( 0x64, dsef.execute_set_wr_ptr, "Move the write pointer to a new location, either relative to the" " start of this reserved memory area or relative to the current" " write pointer") ALIGN_WR_PTR = ( 0x65, dsef.execute_align_wr_ptr, "Moves the write pointer so that it points to the next block with a" " given address granularity") ARITH_OP = ( 0x67, dsef.execute_arith_op, "Perform arithmetic operation with operand 2 coming from a register") LOGIC_OP = ( 0x68, dsef.execute_logic_op, "Perform logical operation with operand 2 coming from a register") REFORMAT = ( 0x6A, dsef.execute_reformat, "Reformats a value in an internal register") COPY_STRUCT = ( 0x70, dsef.execute_copy_struct, "Create an identical copy of a structure") COPY_PARAM = ( 0x71, dsef.execute_copy_param, "Copy a parameter from one structure to another") WRITE_PARAM = ( 0x72, dsef.execute_write_param, "Modify a single parameter in a structure using an immediate value or" " register held-value") READ_PARAM = ( 0x73, dsef.execute_read_param, "Load the value of a structure parameter in a register") WRITE_PARAM_COMPONENT = ( 0x74, dsef.execute_write_param_component, "Modify a single parameter in a structure") PRINT_VAL = ( 0x80, dsef.execute_print_val, "Output the value of a register to the screen") PRINT_TXT = ( 0X81, dsef.execute_print_txt, "Print a text string to the screen") PRINT_STRUCT = ( 0X82, dsef.execute_print_struct, "Print the current state of one structure to the screen") END_SPEC = ( 0XFF, dsef.execute_end_spec, "Cleanly ends the parsing of the data specs") def __new__(cls, value, exec_function, doc=""): obj = object.__new__(cls) obj._value_ = value obj.exec_function = exec_function obj.__doc__ = doc return obj def __init__(self, value, exec_function, doc=""): self._value_ = value self.exec_function = exec_function self.__doc__ = doc